Associate Artists

ZHAXI Wangjia

Pix_ZHAXI Wangjia扎西旺加 2018-01.jpg

ZHAXI Wangjia 扎西旺加

ZHAXI Wangjia, A Tibetan dance artist graduated from the MinzuUniversity of China College of Dance, ZHAXI Wangjia joined BeijingDance/LDTX in2009 and performed in repertoire works such asand.  In 2012, ZHAXI established the Boyi Cultureand Art company, in 2014, he attended the American Dance Festival as one ofrepresentatives of the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China,and in 2016, he received a grant from the Asia Society to study in NewYork.  ZHAXI’s choreography includes:.  His latest works,was premiered at the Judson Dance Theater andat the Rockefeller Center in 2017 in US.

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